How to Optimise Cylinder Honing Outcomes

The high pressure inside a hydraulic cylinder can cause surface imperfections, such as cracks, which may gradually wear out your equipment. Hydraulic cylinder honing can restore the internal surface specifications of your hydraulic system so that defects, such as leaks in seals, can be avoided. This article discusses how you can get the best results from hydraulic cylinder honing.

Pay Attention to the Disassembly and Assembly Process

It is important for you to follow the recommended steps for removing the different system components, such as the pistons, when you are preparing the cylinder for honing. Any mistake that you make during the disassembly process can cause further damage to the cylinder. Similarly, great care should be taken as the system is being reassembled after the honing exercise. Otherwise, the components will rub heavily against the cylinder walls to the extent of creating surface imperfections inside the freshly honed cylinder.

Contamination Control

Contaminants contribute a lot to creating defects inside the hydraulic cylinder. These contaminants can get into the cylinder in case the seals inside the system are damaged or worn. Contaminants can also enter the system as hydraulic fluid is being topped up. Equipment owners are usually aware of such risks, and they take steps to limit those risks. 

However, contamination risks during the honing process may not get as much attention as they deserve. Thus, the gains made by honing the hydraulic cylinder can be lost if dust or other contaminants remain in the cylinder after it is reassembled. Avoid the resultant problems by cleaning the honing tools thoroughly before the honing process begins. Clean the cylinders carefully before you reassemble their components once honing is completed.

Test the Equipment

Avoid assuming that hydraulic cylinder honing has attained its objectives just because the honing process controller tells you that the cylinder has attained the desired dimensions. It is a good idea to conduct a pressure test on the hydraulic cylinders after honing them. This test will help you to confirm that the cylinders are now performing according to their design specifications. Any anomalies can be detected and fixed before the hydraulic cylinders resume their normal duties.

Different honing machines produce varying results. For instance, rigid honing stones may not be as accurate as laser-controlled flexible stones. You may therefore need to upgrade your hydraulic cylinder honing equipment in case you discover that the pressure tests that you conduct after each honing exercise reveal that the cylinder is still performing below its design specifications. Alternatively, you can outsource the honing exercise to experts.
